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Welcome to the

21 days of devotional & fasting

Fasting is depriving ourselves of a natural need in order to receive the supernatural. It is taking control of ourselves by deciding to give priority to spiritual things over carnal things. We must decide what we are going to allow to govern us: our desires or God's.

Everyday at 6:00 pm (Toronto) you will get the new chapter

Day 21


God desires us to remain steadfast on His path. Hence, the importance of being strong and
courageous in seeking and remaining in His Word. This is the key to living, bringing, and
manifesting the Kingdom of God here on earth.

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Day 20



The Bible encourages us to give God the first of all that we receive. This not only shows that we recognize Him as our source of provision and trust that all good things come from Him, but it also demonstrates that He holds first place in our lives. It is not just about saying it or singing it; our lives must reflect this principle by giving God the first and the best.

Day 19



Spiritual lukewarmness can be a challenge for all believers. Scripture shows us that there are several ways in which we can stifle the Spirit, preventing Him from fully working in us.

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Day 18



The apostle Paul describes the two forces that battle within us: the Holy Spirit and our sinful
desires. In this world, we face a constant tension between the Spirit and our sinful nature.

Day 17


Laodicea was a rich and prosperous city, known for its banks, wool, and an eye ointment.
However, it had lukewarm water due to an aqueduct that brought water from hot springs,
resulting in a distasteful drink. Spiritually, the church in Laodicea had also become lukewarm,
apathetic, and indifferent, making it displeasing to God. Believers did not take a firm stand on
anything, which led them to idleness and self-satisfaction. This spiritual lukewarmness caused
the church to destroy itself.

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Day 16


As children, we are often taught certain keywords that can solve problems or change situations. In spiritual life, that key word is “remain.” It is God’s constant invitation to remain in His love and obedience. Remaining in His Word is essential for opening the doors to the Kingdom of Heaven and experiencing its reality here on earth.

Day 15


Gratitude is more than a mere expression of politeness; it is a profound reflection of our faith, our recognition of God's love, and our desire to live under His Kingdom. The attitude of gratitude opens the doors to God’s kingdom for us daily, transforming our focus from natural circumstances to a much greater eternal purpose.

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Day 14



The context of the end of the world, the final judgment, the second coming of Christ, and
Revelation is summarized in the concept of the Marriage of the Lamb, which represents the
union of Christ with His Church. In God's culture, marriage is not merely the union of two
individuals, but the fulfillment of the Father's blessing to reproduce, multiply, fill the earth,
and reign over it. Furthermore, marriage also involves the union of two families, bringing
greater authority, dominance, influence, and expansion of the Kingdom. Therefore, to fully
understand what Jesus teaches about the end of the world, it is essential to understand the
concept of a wedding from God’s perspective and His Hebrew culture.

Day 13



The idea of the "end of the world" often conjures images of catastrophe and fear. However, for God's children, the end of the world signifies a transition into an eternal Kingdom led by Jesus. He speaks openly about it, and through His words, we can draw valuable lessons for our lives today.

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Day 12


Scripture describes God as a being of "compassion and mercy." This compassion, translated from the Hebrew word "Rakhoom," is comparable to a mother’s love for the child she carries in her womb—a love filled with tenderness, care, protection, and provision. As children of God, we are called to reflect that same compassion so that the whole world may come to know Him.

Day 11


In our Christian life, how we ‘dress’ spiritually is crucial to being ready to enter the Kingdom of
Heaven. This act of putting on the new nature is what Scripture refers to as clothing ourselves
in Christ.

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Day 10


Jesus uses the parable of the wedding banquet to illustrate entrance into the Kingdom of
Heaven. Although many are invited to this great celebration, not everyone is prepared to
enter. This parable calls us to reflect on how we present ourselves spiritually before God and
what we must leave behind in order to be worthy participants in His Kingdom.

Day 9



When we face challenges, the Bible encourages us to see them as an opportunity to rejoice. This might seem counterintuitive, but it’s precisely in these trials that our faith is strengthened, and it keeps us on the path toward the purpose for which we were created.


Day 8


In popular culture, the “test of love” is often distorted to mean demonstrating love through
actions that are not always healthy or biblical. This emotional manipulation has often led
people into situations of temptation that steer them away from God's purpose for their lives.
However, as we examine what a true test of love means in the biblical context, we find a
contrast to this worldly view.

Day 7


The expression "It’s over, it’s over, it’s over, it is done" reminds us that everything has an end,
a conclusion. So it will be with our lives and with the present era. Both our individual existence
and the history of the world, as we know it, are moving toward a point at which Jesus will
return to establish His definitive Kingdom on earth. As believers, the time that we are given
here is meant to teach us to submit to His authority, preparing ourselves to reign with Him
when it is all over.

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Day 6

Life is full of uncertainties, and we all, at some point, ask ourselves: What is going to happen?
The history of humanity has shown us that no earthly kingdom lasts forever. From the fall of
great empires to the rise of new rulers, everything we know today is temporary. But for us
believers, there is a hopeful message: the promise of the return of our Lord Jesus Christ and
the establishment of his eternal Kingdom. This truth is found in the Scriptures, where we are
assured that one day every knee will bow to Him. This knowledge is the foundation of our
faith and hope.

Day 5

In Scripture, we find Wisdom personified, stating that it was formed from the beginning and
was present when God established the foundations of the earth. This image of Wisdom
highlights its vital importance in creation and its fundamental role in our lives. To live without
wisdom is to live far from the purpose that God has for us.


Day 4

Asking is not an act of weakness, but an expression of dependence. As beings created in the
image of God, we are designed to live in communion with Him and with others. Asking
becomes a recognition that we are not self-sufficient; we need His intervention, provision and
guidance. When we ask, we affirm our trust in His goodness, His power, and His love.

Day 3

In the journey of faith, receiving may seem like a simple concept, but it is actually a deeply
spiritual facet that reflects our relationship with God and our understanding of His Kingdom.
We often focus on the nobility of giving, but receiving is equally crucial and reflects an act of
faith and humility.

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Day 2

Jesus calls us to put aside selfishness and take up our cross to follow Him. Life in Christ means
not living for ourselves, but building His community. Giving is an act of sacrifice that reflects
our surrender of a life centered on the "I" and a commitment to the "we." Everything we
receive is not for our benefit, but for the collective good. As a result, we too benefit.

Day 1


The anniversary of D-Day reminds us of a crucial moment in history: the landing of the Allied
troops in Normandy that marked the beginning of the end of World War II. While this event
brought peace to Europe eleven months later, it also invites us to reflect on the true meaning
of peace and how it differs from mere tranquility.



We should give as much importance to fasting as we do to giving and praying.

We live waiting for the blessings of the Lord, but we have not understood that all His promises are conditional on obedience. Jesus promised to reward those who practice these things.

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