Last week, we reflected on the need to strip away everything that prevents God's image from being reflected in our lives. Scripture urges us to put aside dark deeds and clothe ourselves with the shining armor of righteous living.
In Romans 13:12 (NLT), we are reminded: "The night is almost gone; the day of salvation will soon be here. So remove your dark deeds like dirty clothes, and put on the shining armor of right living."
What must we remove from our lives? Dark deeds, that is, sin in all its forms. Although some actions may seem justified, like stealing to help the needy or lying to gain some benefit, they are still manifestations of a nature that does not come from God.
Christ offers us a radical transformation: to rid ourselves of our sinful nature and clothe ourselves with His salvation and lordship. Sin, in any of its manifestations, is an open door to the corruption of our souls.
God is patient and merciful, but He expects us to voluntarily choose to shed the old garment of sin and dress in divine righteousness. Every day is an opportunity to turn away from darkness and embrace the light of righteous living.
Written by Víctor Preza based on the sermon of 17/08/2024